Publication Policy

One of the main aims of the ICEAF Conference series is to ensure excellence and high scientific merit of the events. The publication of high-quality proceedings and special issues of reputable peer-reviewed international journals contribute to achieving this aim.

Therefore, for every work presented at ICEAF VIII, the authors are entitled to submit full papers for publication in the Conference proceedings edition, or in one of the special issues hosting papers from the Conference, or even in both. In this frame, the Organizing Committee is happy to confirm, the following publication arrangements:

1. Publication of the e-book of abstracts
Participants will have the opportunity to share the short summaries of their presentations in the ICEAF Conference book of abstracts, which will be distributed to the Conference participants, and will be also made available online.

2. Conference Proceedings
This year's Conference Proceedings will be published, in a dedicated peer-reviewed and open-access issue of the Engineering Proceedings Journal [E-ISSN 2673-4591 with Cite Score (2022): 0.7, Scopus Indexed] of the Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI). MDPI, provides a convenient proceedings publication service where papers are widely indexed and discoverable across all major discovery services. All articles published through the MDPI Engineering Proceedings are open access and free to download.

Submission Opening Date: June 26th, 2025
Submission Deadline: September 15th, 2025

Guidelines for Authors

All authors who presented their papers at the conference, are invited to prepare a full paper of up to eight (8) pages and submit it via the e-mail:

The acceptance of your paper(s) is a subject of a regular review process performed by the International Scientific Committee. Kindly note, that all accepted papers will be subjected to a similarity check prior to publication. Papers with a similarity score higher than 25% cannot be included in the Volume of Proceedings. To submit your contribution, just follow the instructions provided below:

MDPI GUIDELINES: Please prepare your full-length paper(s) according to the detailed guidelines for authors provided by MDPI which can be found here.
MDPI TEMPLATES: The length of the paper cannot exceed eight (8) pages and the respective document templates can be found here.

3. Special Issues

Special volumes of international highly reputable scientific journals will be published including selected papers from the ICEAF VIII Conference, following peer review. The international journals confirmed so far, can be found below.

  • Engineering Failure Analysis 

    • Title of the ICEAF VIII Special Issue: "Engineering against failure (short title: ICEAFVIII)"
    • Guest Editors: Prof. Spiros Pantelakis & Dr. Spyros Diplas
  • International Journal of Fatigue 
    (Important Note: This Special Issue accepts for review only invited papers)

    • Title of the ICEAF VIII Special Issue: "Engineering against fatigue failure
    • Guest Editors: Prof. Spiros Pantelakis & Dr. Spyros Diplas

Submission Opening Date: September 1st, 2025
Submission Deadline: December 1st, 2025

4. Important Notes

  • Each participant is limited to give, at most, 2 presentations.
  • In order for a work to be included in the Conference program, presented and included in the Conference proceedings as well as be eligible for the special issues, at least one author of the work must have completed a paid registration (referred to as the paying author) for the 8th International Conference of Engineering Against Failure. 
  • Each author can qualify as the paying author for up to 2 presentations.
  • Prospective authors will be required to warrant that the work is original and submitted for first publication in the respective scientific journal(s). All submitted manuscripts will be checked to avoid claims of plagiarism. In this context, overlaps with already published works, including the full-length papers for the ICEAF VIII Conference proceedings, should typically not exceed 25%. The accurate percentage of acceptable overlap will be set by the respective journal.