Conference Sessions

Sessions confirmed so far are listed below.

All session titles are preliminary.

Reliable, generally accepted, and - if possible - easy-to-apply calculation guidelines for providing proof of safety and thus preventing failure processes are not only very helpful for the developing engineer but are absolutely indispensable against the background of increasingly stringent safety requirements.

The presentation of innovations in the field of guideline developments and their application are the subject of this session. Equally, contributions that demonstrate the practical benefits of the guidelines by presenting the experiences of industrial users are highly welcome.

The target groups are engineers from all branches of mechanical and vehicle engineering and aircraft construction as well as plant and apparatus engineering who are active in the test field, in development, design, and calculation as well as monitoring and maintenance of machines and plants in industry and research institutions.

Suitable joining technologies are essential for efficient lightweight structures made of fibre-reinforced composites. In the design process of such joints, failure mode and strength, both under quasi-static and dynamic load, are crucial information. This session will therefore focus on analytical and numerical calculation methods for predicting damage initiation and progression under different loads, e.g. impact, fatigue and (residual) strength. Experimental work that is intended to validate the calculation methods is also welcome. Work that addresses the circular economy, for example the modelling and simulation of detachable bonded joints, is especially encouraged.

In modern engineering, lightweight structures offer numerous advantages in terms of efficiency, sustainability, and performance. However, their design and implementation come with inherent challenges related to structural integrity and resilience. This topic explores various strategies for mitigating failures in lightweight structures, focusing on both proactive design approaches and reactive measures. Proactive strategies include advanced materials selection, innovative structural configurations, and optimization techniques to enhance strength-to-weight ratios while minimizing vulnerabilities.

Additionally, incorporating redundancy and robustness principles into design frameworks can bolster resilience against unexpected loads and environmental conditions. Furthermore, integrating sensor technologies and real-time monitoring systems enables early detection of potential failure modes, facilitating timely intervention and maintenance actions. Reactive measures encompass damage-tolerant design principles, such as fracture mechanics and fatigue analysis, to predict and mitigate failure propagation.

Moreover, implementing adaptive control systems and self-healing materials offers promising avenues for enhancing structural resilience and prolonging service life. By adopting a comprehensive approach that combines proactive design strategies with reactive interventions, engineers can effectively address the challenges of failure mitigation in lightweight structures, ensuring enhanced performance, safety, and sustainability across various applications.

Fracture-mechanical properties of materials in micro- and nanoscale dimensions have become an important area of fundamental research, including the development and introduction of new techniques for micro- and nanomechanical testing as well as for high-resolution 3D imaging of features in opaque objects. At the same time, there is an increasing need of industry to establish new risk mitigation strategies based on the understanding of microcrack evolution at small length scales that can cause catastrophic failure in 3D-structured systems and materials such as leading-edge integrated circuits, advanced battery electrodes and composites. New design concepts for bio-inspired materials, crack-stop engineering and the controlled steering of microcracks into regions with high fracture toughness will be discussed. 

Sub-topics of the session will be:

  • Materials design and modeling/simulation
  • Micromechanical tests, microcrack growth, fatigue in metals and composites
  • Microcrack imaging using microscopy and tomography techniques
  • Interaction of microcracks with materials’ microstructure, energy dissipation mechanisms
  • Controlled microcrack steering into toughened regions
  • Design of crack-stop structures, metal plasticity 
  • Natural systems and bio-inspired materials.

Enabling the transport, storage, and use of hydrogen for the energy transition, requires overcoming a materials challenge related to the unpredictable failure of metallic materials exposed in hydrogen-rich environments. This session aims to provide an international forum bringing together academic and industrial participants to exchange ideas on recent innovations and developments on fracture of relevant metallic materials in hydrogen environments. The symposium will cover a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:

  • Fracture of steels, aluminium and nickel alloys in hydrogen environments,
  • Mechanical testing at different hydrogen related conditions (i.e. cryogenic to room temperature, electrochemical and gaseous H charging, permeation studies related to hydrogen embrittlement etc.),
  • Micromechanical testing,
  • Microstructural characterization of fractured metallic materials in hydrogen environments,
  • Simulation and modelling to predict hydrogen-material interactions including hydrogen effects on plasticity and failure 

Additionally, the symposium will explore cutting-edge strategies for the prevention and mitigation of hydrogen embrittlement, highlighting novel materials design, surface treatments, and engineering solutions to enhance the resilience of metallic materials against hydrogen-induced degradation.

The entirety of phase distribution, phase arrangement and the nature of the interfaces and boundaries as well as other microscopic components such as inclusions or pores represent the microstructure of a material.

The microstructure controls many of the most important physical properties of a material. The fundamental aim of any material development is therefore to specifically influence the properties and failure behavior of a material by appropriately selecting and influencing the microstructure.

This session aims to show theoretical and practical attempts which try to depict these relationships as comprehensively as possible.

  • Phase distribution
  • Interfaces
  • Geometrical effects 
  • Microstructure related failure
  • Effects of defects

Building structures are exposed to many unforeseen risks due to environmental factors, human error and unexpected impacts. The vast majority of these lead to extensive structural damage that prevents safe further use.

The session covers all issues related to the analysis of failure in engineering structures with their effective protection. 

Effective protection of building structures can be implemented in two groups of activities:

  • The first includes preventive actions that counteract the effects of possible risks or removing minor damage that has already occurred. In this way, more significant damage is prevented and the threat of a major accident or catastrophe is eliminated.
  • The second group of works includes repair and strengthening of already damaged structures to enable their continued safe use. In order for the applied actions to be effective, it is necessary to properly identify the causes of the observed problems, which makes it possible to eliminate them and, only then, to select the correct preventive works or repair methods.

Surrogate models, also known as metamodels, are widely used in design optimization of complex systems. They substantially accelerate design space exploration and optimization when a closed analytical form that relates design variables to system responses of interest is not available. Therefore, there is a growing interest to integrate surrogate models including machine learning techniques (e.g., neural networks) into the design optimization framework.

Scope: This special session invites submissions of original works that address the challenges of the construction and application of surrogate models in engineering design against failure.

Topics covered by this special session include but are not limited to: 

  • Active learning algorithms
  • Artificial intelligence applications
  • Design space exploration and optimization of with surrogate model
  • Dimensionality reduction
  • Generation of surrogate models for complex systems
  • Machine learning methods 
  • Multi-fidelity surrogate modeling
  • Physics-informed machine learning
  • Optimal experimental design    

Invited are contributions that delve into the advanced experimental techniques for cyclic deformation, understanding of microstructure evolution during cyclic deformation and computational approaches that bridge the gap between theory and practical applications.

Possible submission topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Advanced experimental techniques for cyclic loading and fatigue 
  • Microstructure evolution during cyclic deformation 
  • Modeling and simulation of cyclic deformation 
  • Fatigue life prediction and assessment 
  • Fatigue failure analysis 

Degradation of structural materials in aggressive service environments often combined with mechanical loads is one of the key factors for metallic components failure. Therefore, designing new resistant alloy systems and protecting engineering structures from aggressive environments is of imperative importance to prolong their service life. Prediction of the materials behaviour at the design phase is challenging and should be well considered to ensure sustainability and circularity of the innovative advanced materials. On top, digitalization and creation of materials passport is needed to support the new paradigms of the European Green Deal calls for new material concepts as well as covering the complete life cycle of parts and corresponding to safe and sustainable by design approach.

This session is open to scientists and engineers working in applied research in the field of materials development and surfaces technologies designed to avoid materials surface degradation and damage. Aspects of protective coatings development, delamination and degradation/damage phenomena, recyclability and sustainability, builds a special focus of the event.

Contributions on new approaches and results in multi-scale and multi-physics materials modelling, optimization, digitalization of materials, and digital materials and product passport, as well as characterization methods (both destructive and non-destructive) applied to materials engineering, advanced protective coatings and surface protection technologies are very welcome in this session.

The aim of the session is to discuss new challenges for sustainability-driven design with multi-materials and function-integration on the example of selected contributions, as well as new design trends.

In particular, the subjects include but are not limited to:

  • Progress on sustainability-driven design
  • Multi-criteria optimization design methods
  • Practical applications of sustainability as design criterion for mechanical components

The developments in Advanced High Strength Steels (AHSS) through the 2nd and 3rd generations have marked a significant breakthrough in steel science, expanding its applications beyond the automotive industry. Currently, both industry and academia are eagerly anticipating the next generation of AHSS, aiming to combine high strength with exceptional ductility. This can be achieved through either adjusting the chemical composition or employing unconventional thermomechanical treatments.

This session will delve into the latest developments in the next generation of AHSS. Notably, emphasis will be given to steel design and engineering to enhance its resistance against failures.

Contributions from the following areas are sought:

  • Alloy design and engineering to improve the strength/ductility ratio;
  • Characterization of microstructure, mechanical properties, and deformation mechanisms in AHSS;
  • Alloy-process-microstructure-property relationship in AHSS;
  • Simulation of metallurgical phenomena and multi-scale modeling in AHSS towards improved performance;
  • Novel experimental and computational approaches, methods, and tools for failure analysis;
  • Engineering to improve processability and failure analysis during processing (rolling, hot-stamping, deep drawing, etc.);
  • Welding of AHSS and the weld performance;
  • Embrittlement phenomena in AHSS (i.e., hydrogen embrittlement).

Hydrogen can be a viable means towards a greener and more sustainable future for vehicle design. To provide the land, sea or air vehicles with a compact fuel system packaging, vehicles running on hydrogen will be utilizing either compressed or cryogenic hydrogen storage and fuel transfer.

In this ICEAF session, we are inviting research related to candidate materials for transportation vehicle compressed or cryogenic hydrogen fuel systems components. The focus would be primarily on polymer composites and advanced metallic materials, but novel research and findings on more traditional materials are also welcome. In addition to that, the session invites research on novel hydrogen fuel systems and components design as well as research on the design of safety around hydrogen fuel systems. 

The impact of conventional and advanced processing routes on the mechanical properties of materials are examined. Material Processing is considered under a broad spectrum of applications including thermal treatments, machining, forming, etc., as well as advanced techniques such as AM. The resulting microstructure and properties related to the static, fatigue or fracture behavior of materials are considered, and comparisons are drawn based on the material state prior and after processing

This special session is planned to cover the latest advancements in the field of additive manufacturing (AM) of structural components, focusing on all ranges of AM technologies. The multidisciplinary subject requires considering the effects of process parameter and geometrical features.

Applications range from aerospace and automotive to building and biomedical sectors. The aim of this session is to provide an international forum that brings together academic and industrial contributors to exchange ideas on recent innovations and developments of various AM technologies and to discuss the future opportunities and applications. Contributions covering either experimental studies or numerical developments are welcome.

In particular, the subjects include but are not limited to:  

  • Laser powder bed additive manufacturing (LPB-AM)  
  • Direct energy deposition additive manufacturing (DED-AM)
  • Cold spray additive manufacturing (CS-AM)
  • Post-processing technologies for additive manufacturing
  • Using AM for repair 
  • Related applications

The development, analysis, and optimization of both advanced and additively manufactured materials and components require a deep understanding of their mechanical behavior, especially as influenced by microstructural features. Advanced manufacturing techniques, including additive manufacturing (AM), introduce unique challenges—such as high thermal gradients and process-specific defects—that significantly affect material performance. This symposium will explore the intricate interplay between microstructure, defects, and mechanical properties across a range of materials including metals, polymers, ceramics, and composites. Emphasis is placed on understanding failure mechanisms under combined physics loadings, where mechanical stresses interact with thermal, environmental, or other physical forces to influence fracture behavior.

Key Topics:

  • Manufacturing defects and their impact on mechanical performance
  • Microstructure-property relationships in advanced and AM materials
  • Fatigue, strength, ductility, and fracture toughness analyses
  • Combined physics loadings and their role in fracture
  • Modeling and machine learning approaches for predictive performance
  • Materials and process optimization for enhanced reliability
  • Case studies highlighting innovative solutions and real-world applications

Phase change materials (PCMs) feature various applications, ranging from thermal energy storage and energy conversion devices to smart materials in construction, medicine, and electronics. A primary challenge is maintaining their structural integrity and resilience after repeated phase transitions.

This session welcomes experimental and theory-based contributions with topics including, but not limited to, the latest advancements in the development and application of resilient PCMs, twinning and phase transition mechanisms, superelasticity, martensitic PCMs, ferroic materials, magnetic materials, caloric materials, biocompatible materials, novel compositions, composites, phase segregation, and compatibility with other materials.

Structural joints are widely adopted in civil, mechanical, automotive, naval, aerospace and industrial engineering. While a variety of materials can be joined by means of different manufacturing processes, structural strength and durability of joints is a major concern in design of engineering structures. In order to take full advantage of available joining processes, understanding and estimating the mechanical performances of joints in load-bearing applications is of paramount importance.

Therefore, the special session entitled “Characterisation of structural joints under static or cyclic loading” will focus on all theoretical and experimental approaches to investigate the structural strength and durability of joints, covering all joining processes and materials.

This symposium will provide a venue for contributions on the use of experimental and modeling synergies for characterizing and understanding deformation mechanisms in engineering materials. New in situ and operando characterization tools have improved our ability to characterize the deformation mechanisms under conditions that best mimic real world conditions. These techniques enable the tracking of material responses to mechanical stimuli through mechanisms such as load sharing, dislocation-based plasticity, texture evolution, twinning, stress- and/or strain-induced phase transformations.

These techniques are used for verifying simulation tool and their constitutive laws and allow us to better understand or predict the deformation and failure during materials processing and under in service. 

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

  1. Characterizing lattice strain, dislocations, deformation twins and deformation-induced phase transformations by diffraction methods
  2. In situ and operando diffraction-based techniques
  3. Novel environments for large scale facilities 
  4. In situ and operando electron-based techniques including EBSD, ECCI, HR-DIC and TEM
  5. Advances in material modeling, kinetics of deformation-induced phase transformations, twinning, crystal plasticity and experimental validation
  6. Techniques development

This session will focus on the effect of increased alloying elements due to recycling as well as different processing technologies on the properties and performance of recycled aluminium alloys, e.g., corrosion, fatigue, corrosion-fatigue, and fracture behaviour. The session can cover experimental investigation and numerical modelling. 

Objective: The session covers fundamental and applied issues of environmental surface degradation and durability of materials at macro-, micro-, and nano-scale. Emphasis will be given on cutting-edge research, material design and development against degradation, understanding of degradation mechanisms and protection evaluation/design. 

Main topics include: 

  • Structural stability under aggressive environments, structure-durability relationship, environmental effects on ceramics, polymers and composites, durability of concrete structures, durability of ceramics, and others.
  • Corrosion forms and mechanisms, coatings and surface engineering, tribocorrosion, high temperature corrosion, corrosion protection and inhibition, non-destructive testing, electrochemical techniques, corrosion of steel in concrete, corrosion modelling, marine corrosion, and others.
  • Wear types (sliding, abrasion, high temperature, fretting, lubricating wear), wear modes, understanding of tribological phenomena, wear testing, erosion-corrosion, solid particle erosion, wear of metals, ceramics, polymers and composites, and others.

Metals casting is a complex process due to the simultaneous interaction of various physical phenomena. Casting defects pose major concerns affecting the overall quality of the final cast products. If properly designed, a metal casting process should result in a good quality final product with high structural integrity. However, determining and controlling the optimal processing parameters necessary to produce defect free castings is most often challenging. Defects can appear in various forms and types, impacting the mechanical properties and the aesthetics of cast components, degrading their structural integrity and potentially leading to premature failure. Frequent forms of defects may be related with various phenomena including solidification shrinkage, entrainment, inclusion of impurities, misruns and cold shuts, hot tears, and residual stresses. Understanding the types and the causes of these defects is paramount for implementing prevention approaches and practices. Addressing the causes of casting defects effectively is crucial the efficiency of the process and the durability of the cast components.
The symposium invites contributions from experimental and computational studies relevant to the topic, aiming to promote the understanding of the causes, the effects and the prevention practices of defects in metal casting processes.

Increasing the content of secondary resources in casting alloys while achieving required properties in cast components is critical for the casting industry to become more sustainable and climate neutral. The vast compositional space of metallic alloys and the quality of secondary materials obtained from end-of-life products presents unique challenges in terms of material property optimization and mitigating failure risks in industrial applications. The topics include:

  1. Microstructure Control: Novel alloy and process design approaches to counteract the adverse effects of increased secondary material content on mechanical, thermophysical, casting, corrosion, and other relevant properties of casting alloys. Scrap tolerant alloy design approaches, melt treatment techniques for improved melt quality and impurity refinement, mitigating detrimental effects of impurities on material properties and failure characteristics etc. 
  2. Characterization of Casting Alloys with Increased Secondary Content: In-depth characterization and analyses of the effects of increased secondary material content on the mechanical, corrosion and under service degradation mechanisms of casting alloys. 
  3. Failure Analysis and Fracture Mechanics: Studies on the failure modes and fracture behavior exhibited by casting alloys under various loading conditions, focusing on the role of microstructural features and defects related to elevated scrap content.

Prediction of material properties in cast metal components requires development of computational modeling tools that can operate on different time and length scales. The goal of this session is to showcase how computational tools are revolutionizing the way we understand and anticipate material behavior in real-world applications. The subtopics include, but are not limited to: 

  1. Novel modeling approaches and tools utilized for predicting material properties in cast metal components. Application of physics-based models for property prediction, machine learning approaches for process optimization, microstructure prediction and defect characterization to establish processing-microstructure-property relation in cast components, identifying and addressing key challenges and limitations for improved predictive capabilities.
  2. Stochastic modelling approaches capturing variability of properties depending on microstructural and defect features, e. g. via virtual testing of large sets of either real world or artificially generated representations of these, including the use of AI techniques like GANs for this purpose.
  3. Applications and case studies showcasing real-world implementation of modeling tools in various industries.  Successful outcomes, lessons learned, and future directions for research and innovation to advance the predictive capability of modeling tools. 

Failures have a major impact on quality, production and environmental health and safety areas of human and industrial activity. Understanding, analyzing and preventing failures result undoubtedly in the reinforcement of expertise and deep knowledge that constitute significant contributors of continuous quality improvement.  The scope of this session aims to address and report several paradigms, where the investigation of fracture and failure of materials and components lead to the exploration and understanding of the failure process as a series of logical/natural stages and interactions of microstructure, properties, processing and environmental/operation conditions. The study areas of the Session are mainly focused (but not limited) on critical industrial sectors, such as metallurgical, chemical and manufacturing. Case histories referred to characteristic industrial applications are also encouraged.

The following (but not limited) representative topics are included in the Session: 

  • Failures and microstructure relationships 
  • Genesis of damage at nano-, micro- and meso-scale level
  • Fractography as failure investigation method
  • Texture-fracture interactions  
  • Modeling of degradation processes with experimental validation
  • Failures in modern manufacturing 
  • Modern approaches in failure investigation and fracture analysis (e.g. AI, machine learning)
  • Process based philosophy and lesson learned approach

All kind of research in the field of  welding of light metallic alloys will be discussed. 

Conventional, advanced and new processes as well as hybrid processes are of interest. Process development & simulation, microstructure, properties and performance of the weld/joint and the thermo-mechanically affected zone shall be covered for all light metallic materials.

Considered processes and topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Welding techniques and  solidification phenomena
  • Dissimilar joints
  • Post weld heat treatment
  • Mechanical joining
  • Friction stir welding
  • Nanomaterials in joining
  • Physical properties controlling joining (wetting, diffusion, dissolution)
  • Microstructure and properties
  • Residual stresses and distortion
  • Modeling of welding and joining
  • Ecological and economical aspects of joining

Heat treatments have been known since the dawn of metallurgy, especially for increasing the mechanical properties of ancient ferrous handcrafts. However, the explanation of strengthening phenomena behind heat treatments became clear only at the end of the 19th century. Despite thirty centuries of experience, the heat treatments of metals continue to be studied and improved, and new sets of process are continuously under development parallel to new alloys design and production. Of course, the knowledge about the principles at the base of the strengthening mechanisms is fundamental to the insightful design of innovative heat treatments able to bring components responsive to new market requirements.

This session aims to present the latest research on advanced treatment techniques for the new generation of iron-based (i.e., lightweight steel, quench and partitioning), nonferrous-based (i.e., aluminium, magnesium, titanium alloys) and high entropy alloys. Also, the effects of heat treatments on product processed by unconventional processes, such as binder jetting and semisolid casting and the influence on strengthening, fatigue resistance and fracture toughness have to be highlight and their mechanisms revealed for a knowledge spreading beyond the state-of-the-art.

Keywords: quench and partitioning; reverse austenite transformation; electrical pulse treatment ageing; solid-state transformation; secondary phase precipitation

As signalled by Nobel Prize winner Wolfgang Pauli ‘God made the bulk; the surface was invented by the devil’, the vast majority of engineering components can degrade or fail catastrophically in service through surface related phenomena. Driven by the ever-increasing requirements for high performance, high productivity, high power efficiency, low energy consumption and low carbon footprint, many industry systems will operate under more and more challenging environments. These new challenges can be met through realising the potential of innovative surface engineering technologies.

This session will provide a platform for overviewing the recent progress, anticipating challenges and opportunities, and discussing future research directions in combating failure through innovative surface engineering.

Sustainability challenge demands for structural fibre-reinforced composites in mass applications: -transports (automotive and collective) aiming at weight reduction (higher specific strength) and increased safety (e.g. fire resistance); constructions aiming at higher durability, using fibres for repairs and instead of steel; offshore renewable and wind energy production; hydrogen storage and exploitation (e.g. Ceramic Matrix Composites in hard-to-abate productions). Carbon neutrality target imply Polymeric Matrix Composites: -developing sandwich structures; -exploiting biobased fibres and resins whenever possible; -produced and recycled cheaper, faster and with less energy-demanding processes; -based on semifinished raw materials that (ideally) do not require storage at low temperature. Mass production sustainability also requires: -composites recycling, circularly reusing both fabrics and resins as much as possible; increased durability and easier repairability; - reduced use of glues and ecodesign of multimaterials and systems aiming at full recovery of each original raw material; reducing the use of gelcoats and paints (primary source of microplastics), PFAs and other dangerous chemicals.

Reuse and recycling of Glass and Carbon reinforced polymers is an urgent problem as the cumulating composite wastes from aircraft and wind energy sectors are more prominent than the needed new composites. A staggering 62,000 tn of end-of-life and CFRP production waste will be cumulating every year in spite of the existing demand for new fibre composite.

This session aims to present the latest research on recycling (mechanical, thermal, chemical) of Glass and Carbon reinforced polymers. Recycling processes efficiency, physicochemical and mechanical characterization of recycled fibers, post-treatment and sizing of recycled fibers, re-use of recycled fibers in 2nd generation composites, resin recovery, sustainability, environmental impact and life cycle analysis of recycling processes will be addressed in this topic.

Keywords: Recycling, carbon fibers, glass fibers, CFRP, GFRP, sustainability

The considerable transformative capacity inherent in additive manufacturing (AM) to revolutionize conventional production methodologies is widely acknowledged, particularly in the realm of fabricating intricately designed components utilizing materials historically presenting challenges in machining, such as superalloys. The recognition of AM's profound potential to reshape future designs, wherein its capabilities are leveraged to fabricate metal components with sophisticated geometries, is steadily gaining momentum. Consequently, there exists a current emphasis on investigating diverse facets of various AM technologies, with the objective of advancing scientific understanding and facilitating their integration into industrial frameworks.

The substantial investments in time and research endeavors have engendered continual advancements across the spectrum of AM, fostering a burgeoning sense of optimism concerning the widespread adoption of AM methodologies for the manufacturing, repair, and overhaul of metal components. These imperative underscores the necessity to showcase these notable advancements, thereby catalyzing the proposition for a ICEAF conference session in Materials, dedicated to illuminating state-of-the-art developments in the AM of metallic materials.

Recent technological developments establish additive manufacturing (AM) technologies more and more amongst the favourite physical processing routes for producing complex shapes, multi-material components and functional materials. Variations in physicochemical and mechanical properties of additively manufactured products originate mostly from surface conditions, defects, feedstock and build anisotropy. These properties affect the structural integrity, physical and in-service performance with respect to corrosion, fracture, mechanical, functional and wear behaviour. Additive manufacturing is often followed by post-processing, such as heat treatments and hot/cold isostatic pressing, which would also influence/alter the microstructural features and subsequently the mechanical behaviour, physical / functional properties and structural integrity of the material.

The aim of the session is to improve the understanding of the processing-structure-properties relation of additively manufactured materials as compared to materials produced by conventional processing, such as casting, rolling, extrusion, forging, etc. Emphasis will be given on the effect of process parameters on the microstructure, surface conditions, material texture/anisotropy and mechanical/environmental and functional behaviour. Processing simulations and (micro) structural modelling are necessary to verify the performance of AM materials and products. Abstracts may thus refer to experimental and/or modelling studies relating various aspects of processing, microstructures, properties and performance of additive manufactured materials or components.

The session addresses the following topics:

  • Modern and emerging AM processes and their effect on material performance
  • Breakthrough performance and applications for additively manufactured materials
  • AM processes and benchmarking of different process routes on the same material
  • New materials produced by additive manufacturing
  • Additive manufacturing of functional materials
  • New material and geometry design targeting to unique property combinations
  • Hybrid and composite materials
  • Advanced characterization, modelling and testing of AM materials
  • In-situ, real time monitoring of AM processing

*  All material classes namely metals and alloys, polymers, ceramics, and composites are relevant to the scope of the session

Manufacturing defects and damage evolution in fibre-reinforced composite structures are critical aspects in the design and reliability of these materials against premature failure. The performance of composite materials is highly dependent on their microstructures, which can be compromised by defects introduced during the manufacturing process and by damage that evolves during service conditions. This session aims to cover these aspects by means of computational and experimental approaches that go beyond the state-of-the-art.

Contributions on the following aspects are welcome:

Manufacturing Defects

  • Fibre Misalignment (e.g., waviness, wrinkling)
  • Voids
  • Fibre microcracking
  • Delamination


Damage Evolution

  • Impact Damage
  • Fatigue Damage
  • Environmental Degradation
  • Manufacturing Defects Propagation


Understanding and mitigating these defects and damage mechanisms are vital for ensuring the reliability and safety of composite structures. Contributions on manufacturing techniques with focus on defects, experimental mechanical testing, predictive modelling, and non-destructive evaluation techniques, such as ultrasonic testing, CT scanning, acoustic emission, and digital image correlation, are welcome. This session aims then to bring this community together to foster collaborations and discuss advances modern ways to detect/model defects and monitor damage evolution in composite structures, allowing for timely maintenance and repair actions to prevent catastrophic failures.

The session may cover processes, methods, materials and applications relative to the field of manufacturing, characterization and performance of fiber reinforced polymer matrix composites.

Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Conventional methods of reinforced polymer s manufacturing.
  • Fiber reinforce d polymer composites manufactured by F used Deposition Modelling.
  • Material extrusion based printing methods for short and continuous fiber polymer composites.
  • Characterization and performance of fiber reinforced polymers.
  • Effect of FDM process parameters on the performance of fiber reinforced polymers.
  • Polymer composites promoting sustainability.

Recent advancements have modernized structural health monitoring through the integration of sensor networks and digital twins, enabling real-time full-field deformation reconstruction (shape sensing) and precise damage detection. This session aims to showcase cutting-edge computational and experimental methods for reconstructing shape changes, strain/stress distributions, and damage assessments in composite and metallic engineering structures. Topics include smart sensing technologies, computer simulations, practical applications, fracture pattern analysis, fatigue resilience, vibration pattern reconstruction, and data-driven control of adaptive structures.

Submissions across a spectrum of topics are encouraged, including but not limited to:

  • Innovative Inverse Models and Experimental Methodologies: Contributions relevant to inverse methods in Structural Health Monitoring and their experimental proof of concept.
  • Full-field response reconstruction methods: Theoretical, empirical, and experimental methodologies based on Inverse Finite Element Method (iFEM), Modal Methods, Vibration Methods, Machine Learning Methods, etc.
  • Damage Identification and Predictive Analysis: Novel algorithms and methodologies for damage identification, localization, characterization, and predictive analysis based on full-field deformation and strain datasets.
  • Sensor Positioning and Optimization: New approaches for sensor positioning and optimization methodologies driving deformation reconstruction and damage detection processes.
  • Nonlinear Reconstruction and Vibrational Modes: Exploration of nonlinear deformation reconstruction in morphing structures and/or determination of vibrational modes using discrete strain datasets.

Overall, this session welcomes contributions from researchers in Structural Health Monitoring, Damage Detection, Digital Twins, Sensor Data Analysis, Signal Processing, and Destructive/Non-Destructive Testing, etc.

Steel health monitoring – STEHEMON refers to a technology developed at the Sensors Lab, National TU of Athens, referring to the measurement of residual stresses on the surface and in the bulk of ferromagnetic steels. This work has resulted in the Magnetic Stress Calibration (MASC) curves for 26 different types of steels till now, as well as in a Universality Law of these MASC curves, ensuring the applicability in various steel sectors.

This session is related to the development of technology suitable for ships.

Contributors are invited to present works on:

  • Techniques to correlate magnetic and other properties with residual stresses
  • Techniques to monitor residual stresses in different parts of the ship
  • Remaining life-time due to fatigue conditions in different parts of the ship
  • Energy harvesting systems, offering autonomous and remote sensor operation
  • Platforms to monitor and evaluate residual stresses and steel condition in ships

Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) methods and architectures for damage detection and localization in structural components and assemblies (metallic, composite or hybrid). Techniques based on analytical or/and numerical modeling procedures. Statistical pattern recognition and Machine Learning based methods. Uncertainty quantification in the SHM problem accounting for environmental and operational variability. Approaches for generating structural digital twins.

This session welcomes a wide range of studies that address industrial and operational challenges in aviation, particularly focusing on the pressing need for innovation, digitalization and the broader sustainability goals within the Aviation Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul (MRO) sector.

The topics include but are not limited to: advancements and innovations in MRO practices, condition-based and predictive maintenance (CBM/PdM), data analytics and AI applications in aviation, novel inspection/non-destructive testing (NDT) and repair methodologies, aircraft systems health monitoring (SHM), damage assessment and failure analysis for composites and advanced aerospace materials, sustainable aviation practices, implementation of novel propulsion solutions, AR/VR applications in MRO, and innovations in maintenance decision-making systems.

Simulation based on computational solid mechanics models describe the response of structures, as a function of their geometry, loading, boundary conditions, material properties and manufacturing process. Digital Twin Validation i.e. 'the process of determining the degree to which a model is an accurate representation of the real world, from the perspective of the intended uses of the model', is of the most important aspects of engineering simulation. It is the responsibility of the digital twin users to perform sufficient validation of the models developed, by reference to experiments specifically designed for this purpose. Optical measurement and other relevant experimental methods have reached a sufficient technology readiness level that enable displacement or strain data over large areas or even the entire structure to be reliably captured during an experimental test and thereafter visualized and analyzed. Such developments have provided the background for a more comprehensive approach to model validation used in engineering design and evaluation of structural integrity, which could lead to optimized and less conservative designs. An important parameter in digital twins is the mechanical performance of the materials and how it is affected by the manufacturing process, especially when recycled materials are used. During the session, important recent advances on simulation model development, validation methodologies and the performance of recycled composites will be presented by researchers from industry and academia, focusing on validation of novel aircraft structural components and structural details.

Crashworthiness is the capability to leverage the controlled failure of a structure to dissipate the kinetic energy of an impact, thus protecting occupants of vehicles and valuable equipment. Composite materials exhibit unique behavior in terms of local strength, energy absorption, and failure modes with exciting potential in airborne and ground vehicles’ crashworthy structures.

In this context, progressive failure analysis plays a pivotal role. Controlled brittle failure in thermosetting fibre-reinforced polymer composites offers efficient energy absorption mechanisms, making them attractive for crashworthy vehicle designs. However, their performances depend on several design factors, such as material constituents, stacking sequence, and component geometry. Numerical simulations have proved to be a valid tool to analyse the effect of these parameters and streamline the design phase, reducing costs and time to market. Nevertheless, material calibration is a critical step in implementing reliable numerical simulations.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Impact behaviour of composite structures
  • Theoretical modelling for composites under dynamic loads
  • Numerical methods and virtual testing for composites under dynamic loads
  • Experimental methods for composites under dynamic loads
  • High strain rate test and simulation of composite materials

Very often based on lessons learned from aircraft accidents, design methods and processes for compliance demonstration with applicable standards have been established that are able to increase the level of safety for the occupants of an aircraft. The topic of the session covers new solutions to the “classic” structural design aspects for crashworthiness, such as structural integrity and energy absorption characteristics of the airframe, efficient restraint systems, minimized environmental hazards from loose or sharp objects, and reduced post-crash hazards from fire, smoke and fumes.

Beyond these traditional crashworthiness considerations, and in view of new trends in aircraft design, the session also includes novel features of innovative propulsion systems and propellants such as electrical, mechanical, chemical, and functional safety of electric power trains or fuel cells and the storage and on-board handling of hydrogen. Finally, the session is also open to operational aspects, for instance, recovery systems or human factors.

The session is dedicated to exploring the applications of data analytics and artificial intelligence, specifically machine learning, in the field of materials, engineering and failure analysis. This special session aims to bring together experts from academia and industry to share insights, methodologies, and advancements in leveraging data-driven approaches for enhancing materials design, predicting fatigue and fracture behavior, and estimating the properties of engineering materials. Special session will provide a platform for discussions on the latest advancements and future directions in this rapidly evolving field. Join us in shaping the future of engineering against failure through the power of data and artificial intelligence!

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

  • Data-driven materials design and optimization
  • Predictive modeling for fatigue and fracture analysis
  • Estimation of materials' behavior and properties through machine learning
  • Novel applications of data analytics in engineering alloys and metals
  • Smart materials and structures empowered by artificial intelligence
  • Multiscale approaches integrating data analytics for mechanical behavior understanding
  • Virtual testing, digital twins, and AI implementation in materials engineering
  • Big Data applications in failure prevention and risk assessment

Design and optimisation of materials, manufacturing and monitoring of components, maintenance and management of engineering systems, are increasingly dealt with informatics tools, parallel to classic analytical and numerical methodologies. Sensors collect huge number of data, failure incidents provide useful “post-mortem” information on engineering materials, components and systems. The variable character and the large volume of information can be effectively transformed to knowledge and decision making with data analysis, artificial intelligence and machine learning enablers.

The session aims to highlight the interdisciplinary approach taken by material and engineering experts and IT developers in handling material failure, preventing system malfunctions and optimising materials supplies, with applications to several sectors, such as maritime, air and land transport, energy, metals, electronics, etc.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) is playing an increasingly important role in the design, manufacture, and failure analysis of materials and structures. This session will focus on the use and development of AI/ML approaches to enhance our ability to design and analyze advanced materials such as metamaterials, composites and alloys, or to accelerate the manufacturing process and subsequent failure analysis. Contributions on optimization of material properties, acceleration of materials/structures discovery, and AI-driven manufacturing of new materials/structures as well as failure analysis are very welcome. Experimental and methodological contributions involving the use of AI/ML in this context are also welcome. 

The aim of this symposium is then to bring together leading experts from materials science, mechanics, artificial intelligence, and other related fields to promote research in this emerging field and foster cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovation.

This session aims to cover, but is not limited to, the following issues:

  • Data-driven design of metamaterials
  • Machine learning based composite design and inverse design
  • Computational methods and information processing
  • AI-assisted fractography of alloys and materials
  • AI-assisted manufacturing
  • Machine learning based fatigue life prediction
  • Modelling and optimization in metallurgical design
  • Application of new materials/structures

AI and sustainability are both mutually catalytic and synergistic, as they share the same underlying business drivers of creating a better plant of the future — by enabling safer, greener, longer and faster operations. Societal and industrial shifts driven by climate change and the enforcement of regulations, the operations of tomorrow will need to optimized across multi-dimensional business objectives — including sustainability goals. As sustainable design has evolved, some sub-disciplines have matured enough to represent independent research areas including sustainability-oriented design for X (DfX) methods. Additive manufacturing is e.g. a means for consolidating and successfully applying such methods. The tools for this are originated from life cycle engineering approach, coupled with AI. Life cycle assessment, risk assessment, life cycle costing, social LCA, hazards and exposure assessment, etc. are only few of modules that AI steps in. Some use cases for this assessment include:

  • Enrollment of AI and simulation in assessment of waste reduction, energy and resource efficiency, user safety & well-being, cost improvement, SSbD
  • Defect detection, quality control, process optimisation and predictive maintenance (sensors, AI, data analytics, etc.) and remanufacturing, Design for Additive manufacturing
  • Product design: Design for (dis)assembly, Reuse, Recycle, Repair, material selection
  • Robotics and automation: Physical and cognitive augmentation in advanced manufacturing