Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission


After you have completed the registration form, the option “Abstract submission” will appear on the home page by signing in. This page will guide you through your abstract submission. Your abstract should not exceed 500 words.

In the section “Abstract Upload” you may copy and paste your abstract. You may optionally include up to two figures.

Furthermore, you may select a specific topic (Section: Topics) through a top-down list if you wish. A Session selection will be also available soon. Each of the sections on the left-hand side of the page is a step of the submission process that needs to be completed. You can click the "Save As Draft" button at the bottom of the page, at any time during the submission process in order to save your incomplete submission and return to it at a later stage or click "Continue" to go to the next step.

In any case, the Submission Overview section will inform you of what is still required to be completed before you can submit your abstract. If you are ready and there are no missing fields, you continue and complete your submission. The abstracts will be evaluated, and upon acceptance, the authors will be informed about their presentation.